Layla Grace 11/26/2007-03/09/2010
My nail art is usually very silly. I'm not feeling very silly today. Little Layla Grace lost her battle with neuroblastoma this morning. I feel awful for her family.
Layla's family shared their struggle on twitter and on
their blog. I learned about her fight through the TV personality Jillian Reynolds. I don't know her family and never met little Layla. But, her struggle touched my heart. I will be hugging my kids a bit tighter tonight.
This is my little way of showing Layla's family I care.
What a fabulous tribute Liz!
I think this is wonderful, Liz!
Thanks friend. Childhood cancer (all cancer for that matter) is just so unfair.
Thanks Nicole. :)
Beautiful tribute, Liz.
Thank you. :)
Beautiful tribute, this is very touching.
Beautiful tribute and you are right, cancer is unfair...
Your tribute it lovely. You are a very talented artist with a sweet soul.
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