Thursday, March 18, 2010

Forget-me-not Nail Art * Thank You For Not Forgetting Me!

I appreciate my blogger friends so much. Having this artistic outlet makes me very happy. I love the positive feedback and am so excited to see what my fellow bloggers are sharing on your blogs.

Today's nail art is a thank you! Thank you, my awesome e-friends, for not forgetting my blog while I've been preoccupied with moving. :) Thanks for "forgetting-me-not."

This is a old maybelline french white with a little yellow mixed in. The flowers are american apparel mount royal blended with white.

Here is the inspiration for today's nails. I googled "forget-me-not" and found this really cool blog. Walter Logeman has so many amazing sketches on his blogs. I fell in love with so many of them! I might have found a treasure trove of inspiration! :) This piece is called Forget-Me-Not and is part of his 2006-2007 art project. Click on the thumbnail (or his name) to see his blog!


ANSTAH said...

this is beautiful!! You are so talented!!

Stiletto said...

I swear your talent just blows me away! This is just GORGEOUS!

amusedPolish said...

wow- I'm always amazed how creative and detailed your nail art is...

Unknown said...

Liz this is the cutest flower mani ever!
How could we ever forget you love?!

Liz (iceomatic's nails) said...

Anstah: Thank you! Your profile picture is cracking me up! Why are you hiding? LOL!

Powerlifterchick: Thanks! I feel the same way about your art!

amused: Thank you! :)

EvilAngel: Thanks friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!! just beautiful! <3

nihrida said...

Oh, honey, who could forget you? You make the most amazing free hand nail art i've ever seen. I'll wait for you till the end of time. =)))

Geeky Dior Girl said...

As always I'm amazed by your talent. I always love your nail art.

Belle said...

This is sooooo beautiful! I thought it was decals or something. (Lurker here but I just had to comment)

Your manis are awesome, always!

Berry T said...

LOL! No dear! You will NOT be forgotten! =)
waiting for more pics of your nail art and your new home too!!

Paige said...

Wow, that looks gorgeous!


Felix wants you to check out my nail art!!

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